3 Practical Ways to Beat Overwhelm

I don’t know about you, but as a wife and mom, there are many days I wake up a bit overwhelmed by the tasks that have to get done, the conversations that have to be had and also the emotional and spiritual things that need to be addressed. I wonderContinue Reading…

How to make the most of your days

The other night I could not sleep for anything.  I tried lavender oil, melatonin, and listening to a podcast. Then eventually around 4am I made my way to the couch to see if a change of scenery would do the trick.  I’ve heard people say, “when you can’t sleep, GodContinue Reading…

Stay Alert

This past weekend I was preparing for Scarlett’s first birthday party.  Saturday morning was the day I would take on cleaning the house from top to bottom.  I got up, did my Bible time, and got straight to work.  I decided to throw in my ear buds and listen toContinue Reading…