A Necessity to Becoming the Best You

“I am doing a great work.” Nehemiah 6:3

Last week, I posted about my struggle as a stay at home mom.  The balance of soaking it all in while my babies are right in front of me, but also still needing to fill my cup. While release came with admitting my faults publicly I also shuttered with one eye opened at the responses that I may receive.

I thought I was a terrible person for throwing my boy in the high chair to get to my to-do list. But much to my surprise, we are all in this “mom life thing” together.  There were loads of moms whose hearts were beating with mine.  And to be validated in that was heartwarming to say the least.

That was just another moment in these last few weeks when I realized just how much community means to me.  We need each other, we weren’t meant to do this life alone.  We need someone to say “me too” and to say “I’ve been there and this is how you get through it.”

A few days later I saw a friend post this with the hashtag #community- “The believers shared a common purpose, and every day they spent much of their time together in the Temple area. They also ate together in their homes. They were happy to share their food and ate with joyful hearts. The believers praised God and were respected by all the people. More and more people were being saved every day, and the Lord was adding numbers to their group.” Acts 2:46-47

The power of community is REAL!  Community was saving lives then and are still saving lives now.  I can not imagine not having moms to relate to, not having a community of women to pursue my faith with. I can not imagine wrestling with the struggles of life all alone!  Our kids, our husbands and our family are wonderful but we also need each other. Women with common ground. 

We are one body, not individual parts meant to stand alone. What good is a foot without a leg? The encouragement and love that community builds into one another can be life changing- especially when we are praying for one another.

This my friend, is a necessity to becoming the best YOU!

Do you have women in your corner praying for you?  Or women in your corner to bounce your struggles and ideas off of that will lead you the right way? God’s Way?

God is doing a “great work” in this community of women, individually and together.  I see wheels turning and lives changing every time we talk, as we become the best versions of ourselves.  The door is open.  I know God has called myself, as well as the other women who have joined already, to this place.

This is your personal invitation to join us.  Community is necessary in your journey. All are welcome.



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